Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Love LibraryThing

Being eternally skeptical of all things technological (this seems to be a recurring theme in my blog postings), I tried LibraryThing, thinking that at least it involved books, so couldn't be all bad.

And indeed, it was not all bad - in fact it was mostly very good. I already have a "homemade" reading list of my own - a completely unembellished word document containing the books I have read since 2004 - and LibraryThing seems to be just a nicer looking version of it, complete with pictures of book covers to add to the records I create. I think I may even start using it instead of my homemade list, as I do have a fondness for pictures of all kinds (see previous post) and it allows me to see what other people are reading and recommending. It's also much easier to use and easier to add to than the visual bookshelf on Facebook, which takes forever to load and always leaves me feeling like someone somewhere is spying on my booklist and thinking about ways to sell things to me.

I thought I might be put off by the fact that LibraryThing allows you to find others who have similar tastes in reading ( I always like to think that I am totally unique, especially when it comes to reading!) but I actually enjoy being part of it and hope to find some good recommendations from other book lovers in the not-too-distant future.

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