I've had a Facebook account for a few years now, and like any relationship, it can be good and bad.
Facebook is good in that you can find people that you actually wonder about and would like to talk to again. I recently connected with a grade school friend who now lives in San Francisco, and whom I haven't see in 20 years. She let me know she was coming to Canada to visit last summer and we were able to spend a couple of hours catching up on each other's lives.
Facebook is bad in that people you never wonder about and never want to talk to again can also find you. This includes the jerk from high school that you still dislike 20 years later who suddenly wants to be your "friend" when you were never friends, not even in person, or that tiresome narcissist who feels the need to share ten times a day the minutiae of her life, in which you are never interested. If it weren't for the "block" option that Facebook provides (a very satisfying yet somewhat passive aggressive way to deal with facebook reality) I would be very tempted to get rid of my Facebook account altogether.
But of course I can't do that....how would I keep track of all those birthdays I need to keep track of without the birthday reminder? How would I feel smug about all the books I read without the visual bookshelf? How would I know when the Flight of the Conchords is going on tour without being their fan on Facebook? I know I am probably wasting my time with all of this, but I can't seem to stop. Ah Facebook, I hate you, Facebook, I love you - now, what am I going to write in my status line today?
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